
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Miniature Derringer Pistol Pocketwatch Fob Gun

This is the coolest little pocket watch fob miniature derringer pistol. The gun watch fob shoots little 2mm pinfire cartridges, was made in Austria about 1910 and has sterling silver chased grips. I have had this for quite a few years but thought it was time to part with it. I used to have 2 little cartridges, but can't find them at the moment...but I'm still looking!

You can see more photos at Antiques And Teacups.

Today was a lovely summer day here in Sequim....with temps in the low 80s. Summer at last!!!! We are all out enjoying the weather.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sequim Lavender Festival and Shakespeare Plate

We had a great day yesterday at the opening of the Sequim Lavender Festival. This is the 14th annual and the town is packed! Our own lavender plants turned there best purple just last week and the whole town seems to be in bloom!

There is a street fair, farm tour of 20 or so lavender farms, each of which offer special chef creations, craft demonstrations and live music as well as lavender education, self pick and lavender gifts. There is a great food court downtown as well with some killer goodies! Th
ere is a place to leave your dog with professionals, rides, games...pretty well you name it. How fun is that! Coastal fog this morning, but it will clear and be beautiful later. Perfect summer day at the coast!
This is the website if you would like some more info: Sequim Lavender Festival

On to another subject, this is a great cake serving plate I added to Antiques And Teacups lately. I found the plate at an antique faire at Hungerford, England several years ago. The picture is The Holy Trinity Church which is located in Stratford, Warwickshire England. Stratford is, of course, where William Shakespeare lived and the church is where he is buried.

My husband was born about 20 miles from Stratford and knows the area well. Now, we know it as a traffic bottleneck we have to get through coming from London to visit the family...several A roads get funneled through a bridge over the river Avon which can be a traffic snarl worthy of Los Angeles.

BUT...the plate is form the 1920-1930s and so from a calmer age. The Holy Trinity Church is just a short walk beside the Avon from Shakespeare's birthplace, so it is actually the most visited tourist site in England. So I was so pleased to find the plate, recognize the church and have had it in my personal collection for about 20 years. But, downsizing my collections at the more room...and there is always something else I can't pass up....

For more info use this clickable link: the Cake Plate Holy Trinity Church, Stratford England

Have a great day! Get out and enjoy the summer, the local events probably going on around you. Bet there are some antique fairs going's that time of year!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Vintage Jeray Genuine Sardonyx Ring Unusual 10kt Gold

Happy 4th of July!!!! Happy Birthday America...and may God bless you.
I just added this modern design genuine sardonyx ring. I just love the style and the unusual cut of the stone. Striking!! And definitely one of a kind. This was made in the 1940-1950s and is really evocative of that period.

You can see more photos & get more info at this clickable link: Modern unusual Sardonyx ring
Or see the other vintage jewelry items, teacups and other antiques and collectibles at Antiques And Teacups.

Today is a great day for fun family things. We have a few clouds this morning in Sequim but clearing and 60-70s this afternoon. Just perfect. We are off to a special service at our home Sequim Community Church, then a meal with friends and who knows what else. My DH is still deciding whether to put up the Union Kack as well as the US flag. That's always fun. Our kids are out of state but we've talked to them...but still miss them.

Have a great day, be careful with the fireworks and remember your pets need a little bit of reassurance with the fireworks. As they say... Be Safe And Sane!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Fun 4th of July Weekend & Antique Beads

Here's hoping you have a great 4th of July weekend. Sequim had the Marine Band giving a concert last night & yesterday afternoon, another concert tonight, our Sequim open air Farmer's Market today, fireworks, jazz in the alley...lots of fun stuff!!!

Now...if I can just keep my Brit DH from flying the British Union Jack from the flagpole instead of the Stars & Stripes!!! He always does it...more to get a laugh from the neighbors than anything. He was pretty disappointed when both England & the US were routed from the World Cup as he LOVES his football (soccer to you Yanks) but is enjoying the games today anyway.

We have just acquired some antique Venetian cased glass eye trade beads that I love. The beads are hand made & date to 1860-1880s and are red with white dots. They are so cool!!!
The beads measure 14mm in diameter and were used as trade beads all over the world. I was an archaeologist for a few years and did salvage digs in the San Fernando Valley of California saving/documenting California indian sites that were being flooded by the Army Corp of Engineers in dam projects. We found these beads in the graves that dated to the 1860-1870s. They really are tactile pieces of history to me. I LOVE them!

Well, have a great holiday weekend and come visit us at Antiques And Teacups for
An Elegant Tea Table, Victoriana, Antiques, Collectibles
And More!